Sea Ray Sundancer 310
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Sea Ray 33

Santorini, Greece

Motorová jachta

33 ft

6 Plavba

1 Chatky

2 Postele


  • Maximálny počet spiacich hostí: 0
  • Maximálny počet hostí na plavbe: 6
  • Typ lode: Motorová jachta
  • Dĺžka: 33 ft (10 m)
  • Kúpeľne: 1
  • Kuchyne: 1
  • Chatky: 1

  • Kontakt na majiteľa
  • Výrobca: Sea Ray
  • Model: Sundancer 310
  • Zabudované v: 01 / 2008
  • Motory: 2 x 270hp
  • Typ paliva: Diesel
  • Kapacita vody: 300 L
  • Maximálna cestovná rýchlosť: 30 uzly

Postele: (2)

  • 2 x Dvojitý


  • Generátor energie
  • AC
  • Stan na slnku
  • Sprcha na palube
  • Reproduktory na palube
  • Stôl v kokpite
  • Ďalekohľad
  • Svetlo pochodne
  • Elektrická toaleta
  • Chladnička
  • Mikrovlnná rúra
  • Príbory / poháre / riady
  • Horúce platne
  • Mp3 prehrávač / rádio / CD
  • Vybavenie na šnorchlovanie
  • Vyhľadávač rýb / sonar


Christos and Athina are ready to offer you an unforgettable experience, enjoying the unique view of the caldera with local dishes and wines.Venture into Santorini’s seaside treasures and enjoy deep blue waters and beaches with white, red or black sand or volcanic pebbles, spectacular rock formations and impressive lunar lands capes.

Posádka: (2)

  • Chris
  • Athina

Jazyky posádky:

Greek, English (US), English (UK)


Cestovný rozsah

Use two fingers to move the map

Hlavný prístav:

Santorini, Greece

Storno podmienky:

  • Flexibilné: Pri zrušení rezervácie do 7 dní pred nástupom na pobyt sa vracia 100% sumy poplatku za jachtu a 50% pri zrušení rezervácie do 1 dňa pred nástupom na pobyt. viac


  • Fajčenie na palube je povolené
  • Fajčenie nie je povolené vo vnútorných priestoroch
  • Nevhodné pre domáce zvieratá ?
  • Podujatia a večierky sú povolené
  • Nevhodné pre dojčatá ?
  • Vhodné pre deti ?
  • Čas registrácie: Flexibilné
  • Čas odchodu: Flexibilné



17 Recenzie:

15 Oct 2021
Označte túto recenziu

Amazing trip on the sunset cruise!! We loved everyone second…..the crew were very attentive and always asking if we wanted a drink ect. Especially Alex he was great fun! Had a great time with just a small amount of other couples and singles. The food was freshly cooked on the boat with dessert to finish. Would highly recommend!

3 Oct 2021
Označte túto recenziu

We did the sunset cruise and only just got back...I feel like I had to leave this review straight away! The atmosphere was awesome, even down to asking us what music we wanted on the boat! The scenery was epic and they kept us informed of the history of the island throughout our journey! Both Christos and Athena were approachable, friendly and helpful and we can't recommend them enough! If you're in Santorini then you have to join one of their cruises!

26 Aug 2021
Označte túto recenziu

Highly recommend! We did the half day sunset cruise. The boat was spacious and very comfortable for our family of 6, the crew was very kind and accommodating, the food outstanding, and of course the views were spectacular. They even arranged to have a cake for our son's birthday. If you're considering booking, you won't regret it.

17 Jun 2021
Označte túto recenziu

Exceptional hospitality, attention to detail, and luxury treatment. Athena the boat owner, speaks great English, is extremely knowledgeable of Santorini, its history, the various landmarks and volcano. She made us a beyond wonderful dinner, cooked fresh on the boat as we drank wine from the grapes on her property. She grew all of the vegetables she cooked and was very patient listening to us and coming up with a great meal-despite how finicky we are. There was everything we could have wanted to drink from water, soft drinks, juice, beer, wine or cocktails. The boat is captained by her husband and he was a great driver. Both practiced Covid precautions . We stopped and got to swim on Black, Red and White beaches, made a special stop so we could swim to a pool inside a rock formation. The boat is beautiful, and our comfort is their top concern. The private tour customized for us was wonderful. I can not detail just how nice every moment was-you won't be disappointed. It was a tour of a lifetime! We made good friends-and Athena has even prepared cooking videos to show me how to cook the wonderful meals she prepared-the food was that good!

24 Aug 2020
Označte túto recenziu

This private sunset boat trip was by far the most brilliant, exceptional experience I have ever done. Starting off with how kind, friendly and welcoming the owners of the boat were. They went above and beyond to ensure we was happy at all times! Starting off with the most delicious fresh fruit platter and the most refreshing drinks, everything they did for us was to a brilliant standards. The boat trip was everything and more we was hoping for, the sea was so clear which meant we could swim so freely. We visited lots of different beautiful islands of which the owners knew everything about! We had a real insight into the history of Santorini. For our dinner we was provided with a delicious fresh Greek traditional dinner which we was highly impressed with. We had watched the sunset from various points of Oia however watching the sunset from the boat in the sea was an experience I’ll never forget, We managed to see it right down until the last point, it was beautiful and rich in colour which illuminated a path across the water. I would recommend this trip to absolutely anyone, it is worth every penny you will not be disappointed. It was also my birthday and the owners went out of their way to buy me a delicious birthday cake with personalised candles, we couldn’t have wished for a better experience.

20 Aug 2020
Označte túto recenziu

What a experience, from start to finish it was amazing. A special thanks to Fitrou and christos for making you feel at home and comfortable from the get go, this experience wouldn’t be the same without them. I would recommend this to anyone. The food was second to none and was just as good as sitting in a restaurant!

19 Aug 2020
Označte túto recenziu

My wife and I booked this cruise on the internet what a great find it was just right for us. Athena and Chris where really great hosts they took us to all the places listed on the itinerary and more they where friendly and helpful about all the places we wanted to visit being local to the island they new everything we needed to know about the islands history we had fantastic food all local produce and the sunset was awesome. Would definitely recommend this trip to anybody and all of our friends that are going to visit the island of Santorini

16 Aug 2020
Označte túto recenziu

Se qualcosa a Santorini va fatta è questa! Il prezzo vale il doppio dell’esperienza! Christos e Athina sono le migliori guide e con il miglior yacht dell’isola! Abbiamo passato delle ore indimenticabili, come i Re del mondo! Il meglio del meglio! Top! Top! Top! Non esitate... meglio di tutte le altre escursioni!

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Spiaci hostia
Maximum: 0
Hostia plavby
Maximum: 6
Správa pre majiteľa:
  • Fajčenie na palube je povolené
  • Fajčenie nie je povolené vo vnútorných priestoroch
  • Nevhodné pre domáce zvieratá
  • Podujatia a večierky sú povolené
  • Nevhodné pre dojčatá
  • Vhodné pre deti
  • V prípade zlého počasia: 50% refundácia
  • V prípade zlého počasia: 50% náhrada za deň

Potvrdiť a zaplatiť

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Po prijatí rezervácie máte 48 hodín na jej bezplatné zrušenie.
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Zatiaľ nie je obvinený
Platba vám bude účtovaná až po tom, ako majiteľ prijme vašu žiadosť o rezerváciu.
48-hodinové bezplatné zrušenie rezervácie
Po prijatí rezervácie máte 48 hodín na jej bezplatné zrušenie.
Pre platobné metódy, ako napríklad nás:
  • Hotovosť
  • Alebo iná metóda

Je dôležité, aby ste najprv kontaktovali zástupcu spoločnosti BednBlue, pretože môže dôjsť k oneskoreniu pri dokončení transakcie a my musíme zabezpečiť, aby vám bola ponuka k dispozícii.

Postup je jednoduchý:

  • Ak chcete zaplatiť bankovým prevodom, kliknite na tlačidlo nižšie.
  • Skontaktujeme sa s majiteľom, rezervujeme pre vás loď a pošleme vám e-mail s platobnými údajmi.
  • Nakoniec dokončite transakciu a potvrďte rezerváciu!
Sea Ray 33
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