I am Oscar, Captain of the boat. I have been fishing in the Mediterranean Sea for 20 years, and in many other places around the world like Miami, Senegal, Mauritius, The Canary Islands, Mexico, The Bahamas etc. In 1996 in the area of Malaga/Marbella I started the charter this chartering as a project of my own that i created with a lot of love and enthusiasm. To this day i continue to offer this service to all the passionate people around the world who love the sport of fishing. My first ship was small, but hard and resistant. Today i am lucky enough to have this new great boat that greatly enjoys fishing, sails safely and is well equipped. More specifically is it a Rodman 12,50R, the latest model built by this prestigious brand. With these boats i have spent thousands of hours in the ocean, which enabled me to find the best fishing sites in the area, win championships and also allowed me to catch some of the largest examples found in the Mediterranean. Many people, or clients during the outings, ask me if fishing is luck, to which i always answer: “Fishing is not luck, it is about spending the day and forget about the daily routine which often causes stress, enjoy the beautiful surroundings, the ocean, friends, and nature. To this we add good baits, good fishing equipment and faith. And with these ingredients we hope to return to shore with a few nice catches to enjoy” A hug for everyone, and Happy Fishing! Oscar
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